Dear Students and Families,
We are nearing the end of our 4th week of classes! We are already 1/4th of the way through the Fall!
If you are keeping up with our COVID-19 data dashboard, you will notice that we are still holding steady on the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. However, the number of quarantines has increased. While we are being diligent and proactive in using quarantine as a tool to help lower the probability of spread of COVID-19 on campus, this is a strong reminder that every member of our campus community needs to be committed to following our Care About Catawba Pledge to protecting ourselves and others.
So… What happens if numbers of COVID-19 cases and/or quarantines continue to rise? Our “Go Remote”/ Re-Exit Plan is designed to help us monitor our campus conditions and take actions to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 on campus. It has 4 stages of urgency:
There are multiple factors that determine our status. NUMBERS OF STUDENTS QUARANTINED on campus is a major factor! With our recent increase in quarantine cases, we are still in Green (as of the morning of 9/11/2020). However, we are near the threshold for moving to Yellow!
What happens if we go Yellow? If we need to go to Yellow, we will implement measures designed to reduce the potential of spread of COVID-19 on campus.
- Classes that are currently face-to-face will go hybrid.
- Social activities will be greatly limited, including limited access to on-campus recreational areas.
- Athletic practices and activities will be affected.
Going to stage Orange will result in us going remote for 2 weeks.
Reaching Red means we go remote and leave campus for the rest of the semester.
See our “Go Remote”/ Re-Exit Plan for more details.
How do we prevent from going to Yellow status? It will take all members of our campus community (students, faculty, staff, and visitors) working together. It is everyone’s responsibility to follow the Care About Catawba Pledge.
- WEAR YOUR MASK…. PROPERLY! Just do it! Make sure it covers your mouth and nose; otherwise, it doesn’t work.
- Keep physical distance to at least 6 feet. Even when you are outdoors, especially at patio tables or in recreation areas, keep 6 feet apart.
- Wash your hands often. Use hand sanitizer between handwashing.
- Monitor your symptoms with the Self-Assessment on your MyCatawba App. Click on the COVID-19 icon, and take the Self-Assessment every day!
- If you are sick, exposed to someone with COVID-19, or you have COVID-19, complete the Self Report form so that the College can appropriately assist. The Self-Report form is available on the MyCatawba App under the COVID-19 App. Or you can access the form on our website at: www.catawba.edu/selfreport
We can do this together! Keep up the good work, but be ever more diligent!
View previous Updates from the Provost, discussing:
Please be sure to check our website catawba.edu/returntocatawba for all the updates on COVID-19 and our campus plan.