Alpha Orientation Leaders (AOLs)
What's an ALPHA Orientation Leader (AOL)? Think back to your first weeks as a student here on campus. Remember the one or two people assigned to your FYS group as helpers during Orientation? Those students were part of the ALPHA Program!
The ALPHA Program strives to provide a support system that makes adjusting to college life as seamless as possible through mentorship of incoming first-years, while also assisting FYS Instructors with the Orientation process.
Types of Alphas
- ALPHA - An AOL assists with Summer Session Orientations and Orientation/Welcome Week activities.
ALPHA ORIENTATION LEADERSHIP CORE - From the group of AOLs , we select individuals to serve on the AOLC committee. In addition to their regular AOL duties, these students will assist in the final planning and compile the many materials and folders that advisors and first-years need. They will also serve as leaders to other AOLs.
**You must have a 2.0 GPA to be eligible and have full availability during Summer and August Orientations
Apply Now!
Want to help incoming first-years through their orientation week? Be an ALPHA Orientation Leader! Or, recommend a student and help select students for the ALPHA Orientation Leader (AOL) program for Orientation by submitting the Alpha Recommendation Form.
* - Required